content marketing

Branding and identity
A Brand’s Organic Growth An established brand had a strong position in a targeted area in the primary education world, having developed solutions first, then the company, and […]

Case Study: Brand Identity – Education

Now Available for Purchase   Nursery Rhymes for Marketers using stories to teach Nursery rhymes remind us of a time in our lives when stories taught us basic […]

Nursery Rhymes for Marketers

Who’s Getting to Know You? Big Brother? Crazy Cousin? Or Someone else? Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to […]

Who’s Getting to Know You?

Blog post written for a client: Your sales team used to thrive on driving the sales process. Your salesperson had the intel that prospects needed. Sales called, prospects […]

Why Your Sales Team Needs a Marketing Budget

Blog post written for a client: You Can’t Close a Lead You Can’t Reach Sales used to focus on “Dialing for Dollars”. This mantra meant sales was just […]

Caller ID Has Changed Sales

This is a follow up to a previous post about confusing exposure with marketing. In the current environment, we are given a first row seat to a continuous […]

Content Marketing Mistakes

I’ve heard many times that inside every marketer is a frustrated writer. To be fair, we all probably have 5 or 6 partially written novels, several screen plays, […]

How to Hire a Marketing Writer

I gave up and slammed down my phone (well, not slammed, I’m too keenly aware of the cost of technology, so I “angrily” hit the button to shut […]

#$@&%* Marketers!

As we welcome the onset of fall, so begins the process of finalizing strategic plans, budgets, and innovative initiatives for the coming year. You can see that in […]

Coming Soon – 2016: The Year of …

It’s here, it’s here, The 2015 Internet Trends Report is here! You’d think it was a major holiday, as marketers nearly lose their sh&! writing about it. If […]

Poor Widdle Miwennials

The headline called out to me: The Top 7 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014 As I eagerly consumed the short summary of the article to find […]

You Had Me at “Marketing Trends”

Did you know that you can adjust your bids continually to improve your CPA? Did you know that you can create awesome landing pages that you can test […]

Did you know….

  Truth in Advertising Some of you may have heard about a little issue Nutella faced recently when a government agency politely told them that they have to […]

Truth in Advertising

North Korea’s top leader named The Onion’s Sexiest Man Alive for 2012 It happened again. Content marketing rules. We thought, innocently, perhaps naively, that once the US Presidential […]

China’s Communist Party falls for Party Prank

If All the Audiences Were Simple If all the audiences were simple, And responded to words that were frank. And If all the clients bought all our stuff, […]

If All the Audiences Were Simple