
Ugh, Amazon is back in the news. Now we’re all hearing the repeated loop of rhetoric about how Amazon is destroying the economy, killing retail, and getting a […]

Does your business live up to its brand?

Blog post written for a client: Your sales team used to thrive on driving the sales process. Your salesperson had the intel that prospects needed. Sales called, prospects […]

Why Your Sales Team Needs a Marketing Budget

Blog post written for a client: You Can’t Close a Lead You Can’t Reach Sales used to focus on “Dialing for Dollars”. This mantra meant sales was just […]

Caller ID Has Changed Sales

I was recently at a marketing event and was asked by a newly minted graduate what I felt was the most important part of marketing. Without hesitation I […]

Marketing is Not an Add-On Function

I’ve heard many times that inside every marketer is a frustrated writer. To be fair, we all probably have 5 or 6 partially written novels, several screen plays, […]

How to Hire a Marketing Writer

The answer probably isn’t what you think. Over the course of 25 years I’ve heard this question surprisingly frequently. It’s one usually asked by new entrepreneurs and is […]

Are Your Products Bought or Sold?

When Smarts Became Overhead If you watched Mad Men you probably were intrigued and drawn by the culture in business, how they interacted, how they got things done. […]

I was Overhead

Transactional or Relational Many business owners say their business is more transactional, without actually comparing it to any other option. Relational is the other option. When they say […]

No, You are NOT a Transactional Business

Data Just Is Data is not an answer. It is not proof. It is not direction. It is not plan. It is not a strategy. Data just is. […]

Because … Data

It’s here, it’s here, The 2015 Internet Trends Report is here! You’d think it was a major holiday, as marketers nearly lose their sh&! writing about it. If […]

Poor Widdle Miwennials

Initech Have you seen my stapler
Every group has its lingo, its variations of common phrases that has nuances that bond everyone a little closer. The language defines the culture of the group. Of […]

Tips for Your First Job: Learn the Lingo

I find myself regularly enraged at the news, statements and stories that come out during this political season. You can’t help it, the two sides are so disparate […]

Channeling Lewis Black

What is Quality? This concept is the premise of Robert Pirsig’s book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It is introduced in the book as one of […]

Are You Creating Quality?

What motivates you? Many days deadlines are the dominant motivator, other days it might be innovation or finding success. Some days it might just be to get to […]

Finding Motivation

I was recently talking to someone about marketing and the woman asked a very interesting and obvious question. “If you were the one managing and overseeing the inbound […]

Tracking Success with Inbound Marketing

Does Your Company Stand for Something? Of course it does. You are likely saying you stand for value, customer service, quality, and integrity. Yep, and thousands, even millions […]

Does Your Company Stand for Something?

You heard the rally call to collect information about your customers. Through loyalty programs, purchase patterns, inventory and marketing efforts you have managed to gain volumes of data […]

You’ve Got Data

You can’t please all of the people all of the time. Companies are always trying to walk the fine line of balanced approach, not expressing opinions that might […]

Is Your Company a Wallflower?

Marketers everywhere are touting the rise of mobile marketing, and it’s drowning out the other channels. The truth is, other channels are still getting the budget increases, including […]

Mobile Schmobile