call to action

Blog post written for a client: You Can’t Close a Lead You Can’t Reach Sales used to focus on “Dialing for Dollars”. This mantra meant sales was just […]

Caller ID Has Changed Sales

Over the years I’ve worked with a huge number and variety of writers, many amazing, some stellar, the majority are “good enough”, and a few are frighteningly confident […]

Copywriting and Ego

I’ve heard many times that inside every marketer is a frustrated writer. To be fair, we all probably have 5 or 6 partially written novels, several screen plays, […]

How to Hire a Marketing Writer

Bain & Company Report:  Everyday moments of truth: Frontline managers are key to women’s career aspirations (read it here ⇒) Harvard Business Review Summary: Companies Drain Women’s Ambition […]

Suck it Up, Cupcake

KPIs: Key Performance Indicators The term sounds pretty straight forward and self-explanatory, at least to those of us who have been embedded in them for our careers, but […]

KPI Conundrum

It’s here, it’s here, The 2015 Internet Trends Report is here! You’d think it was a major holiday, as marketers nearly lose their sh&! writing about it. If […]

Poor Widdle Miwennials

Did you know that you can adjust your bids continually to improve your CPA? Did you know that you can create awesome landing pages that you can test […]

Did you know….

I read a blog recently that noted at a basic level, inbound marketing is unpaid, outbound marketing is paid. I understand that it was a high level statement, […]

Inbound vs Outbound marketing

This is not a story about open rates or conversions. It is not a story about subject lines. This is a real life story of how marketing worked. […]

An Email Marketing Success Story