
Blog post written for a client: Your sales team used to thrive on driving the sales process. Your salesperson had the intel that prospects needed. Sales called, prospects […]

Why Your Sales Team Needs a Marketing Budget

I’ve heard many times that inside every marketer is a frustrated writer. To be fair, we all probably have 5 or 6 partially written novels, several screen plays, […]

How to Hire a Marketing Writer

Most smaller brands and entrepreneurs use social media as one of their main marketing strategies, and rightly so, it’s a very powerful channel. Social Media Marketing by nature […]

Social Media Marketing is Still Marketing

It’s here, it’s here, The 2015 Internet Trends Report is here! You’d think it was a major holiday, as marketers nearly lose their sh&! writing about it. If […]

Poor Widdle Miwennials

North Korea’s top leader named The Onion’s Sexiest Man Alive for 2012 It happened again. Content marketing rules. We thought, innocently, perhaps naively, that once the US Presidential […]

China’s Communist Party falls for Party Prank

That’s the mantra we heard beginning the day after the election about the outcome of the election. So much of the “blame” for why one party won and […]

Digital Advertising Didn’t Work

There’s no question that content marketing is the hot trend these days, with marketers and news companies talking about how we have to start focusing more on story […]

5 Reasons You Avoid Content Marketing

Classical Mythology, Reality TV, and Marketing Three concepts that are not typically thought of together. Marketing and Reality TV definitely go hand and hand, but where does Classical […]

What Mythology and Reality TV bring to Marketing

How many times have we heard someone say, “Failure is not an option in this case?” It amuses me, at first. Every time I hear that my first […]

Is Failure Really Not an Option?

Do companies really believe there is a skills gap? Or is it just a skills gap at their price point? #outoftouch

What is the proper length for a blog? I hear this a lot. It’s a good question. The answer of course, varies. Many people are blogging now. It’s […]

How Long Should My Blog Be?