While healthcare workers, delivery folks, warehouse workers, first responders, and so many more are working hard, risking their lives and health to ensure we’re safe and stocked, we sit here wondering about how and when we’ll get back to normal.
However you define normal, it’s changed. But it’s always changing. And now is no different. We can do this, too.
We can make plans and begin changes now. We KNOW what the needs are going to be, and we know what the needs are now, we can see it happening. And as this continues, the needs of now will only increase and compound the needs of then.
So where are the needs, and where do your services, clients fit in?
- Infrastructure
- Travel and Business Meetings
- Health care
- Education
- Finance
- Activism
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Delivery
- Transportation
- Social Nets
- Charity
- Supply Chain
- Mental Health
- Recovery
- Elder Care
- Telemedicine
- Utilities
- Exercise and Fitness
- Food Preparation and Processing
- Safety
- Climate change
- Work safety
- Environmental Regulations
- Construction
- Home Maintenance
- Science & Medicine
- Information Technology
… and the list goes on.
The challenge is, how are YOU and YOUR business going to address these needs, and why aren’t you doing that or planning for that now?
- When businesses reopen their offices, no one will be taking vacation, few will be traveling. That will hurt travel and tourism industries. At the same time, businesses will be craving to congregate and meet with partners, clients, and have planning meetings. Having healthy, safe settings to offer combinations, knowing the risks and worries of the participants, allows for new approaches. Chartered flights with half to one third passengers to allow for safe distancing still, to a location that offers relaxation and mental health support, and adjusted outings promoting personal space and encouraging new behaviors, serves multiple purposes and multiple industries.
- Manufacturers, especially those who have reworked their facilities to develop much needed equipment and supplies, can readjust their shifts to run continuously, reducing the need for crowding while simultaneously expanding their product lines and distribution channels.
Our economy isn’t closed, it’s just opening up.
Hire now so you’re ready for tomorrow.
Let’s Do This.
#corporateculture #thenewnormal #beinnovative #thinkbigger #newthinking #bigideas #changeforgood