
Who’s Getting to Know You? Big Brother? Crazy Cousin? Or Someone else? Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you. Getting to like you, Getting to […]

Who’s Getting to Know You?

The Most Important Question to Ask About Marketing Automation It’s very simple. Is it working? We could discuss and spew data, quotes, and trending influences about the pros […]

Marketing Automation Mistakes

Data Just Is Data is not an answer. It is not proof. It is not direction. It is not plan. It is not a strategy. Data just is. […]

Because … Data

Marketers everywhere are touting the rise of mobile marketing, and it’s drowning out the other channels. The truth is, other channels are still getting the budget increases, including […]

Mobile Schmobile

(Originally posted October 2011, contributing blogger) The digital world is evolving at a rapid pace, and as many businesses are jumping right into setting up a Facebook page […]

Building Your Digital Marketing Strategy

(originally posted March 2012, contributing blogger) Quick Response codes, more commonly known as QR codes, were first developed by the automobile industry to help track and identify parts. […]

Can Mobile Visual Search and QR Codes Coexist?

(originally published June 2012) It was recently announced that Facebook is considering methods to allow kids under 13 to set up profiles on their site. As most people […]

Why Now, Facebook?