Dog Toys and T-Shirts: Why Marketing & Branding Matters


White t-shirts are a staple of any person’s wardrobe. They’re plain yet crucial to daily life. Everyone has at least two. When thinking about getting a plain white t-shirt, if you’re a guy, you likely think of Hanes brand, first, Fruit of the Loom second. If you’re a woman, you likely think of Gap, now with Target bringing up the also ran place.

It’s interesting, just about every single brand or designer makes a plain white t-shirt, but those brands are what we immediately go to when considering them.

Now, you may not BUY those brands when shopping. Opportunistically, there are thousands of brands and sublte style selections to choose from, from fabrics, cut, weight, and price. In fact, of all the plain white T’s you have in your collection, you might not even have any of those brands, but they’re what we first think of.


Quality, Reliability, Consistency.

That’s what those brands stand for (even if they don’t always live up to it in other areas).

Yet despite that, every season, more white t-shirts are designed and offered by all brands and designers, and we may be swayed by their brands and convenience when buying it as an add on.

Is this any different when buying dog toys?


We each have our own go to brands, often dependent on the dog breed we have. I have a Malinois and a German Wirehaired Pointer, so my go to brand is Kong and Planet Dog. My requirements for the toys are durability, accessibility, and because they’re tried and true with my dogs.


My dogs go nuts over the Kong tennis balls. They like the orange ones, but prefer the green ones. One prefers them nekid, and systematically strips the fuzz off. They get destroyed regularly, but I can find them locally and inexpensively, to always have a decent supply.

I’ve tried other brands. They don’t last as long, they aren’t as adored, and I question the materials in them as the dogs inevitably shred the pieces. (Yes, I worry about the Kong brand, too and do take the pieces away.)


But there aren’t as many of the proper size needed in other brands, and other ball toys just don’t have the same devotion or interest as these.



The Planet Dog balls are also good options, less so for this pack, but I rely on my previous history as the much loved and coveted brand of my previous dogs. They are also readily available, but easy to order the specific ones I needed based on the life stage of the dog at the time. Power chewers for when they were younger, the softer Snowballs for when they got older. Never ONCE did any of my dogs destroy a Planet Dog toy, and these are ones who ripped the top off traditional Kongs, the black ones!


I like both companies, too. So that matters.

The point is, I’ve tried the also ran toys, ones I learned about through convenience at stores, and others I’ve had recommended by other owners. (Cuz toys are a huge hit, but not even remotely durable, and they know that, I think there are contests on how long it takes for your dog to rip the feet off.)


The point is, when I think of dog toys, there are specific brands that come to mind, and when in need, they are the only ones I seek out. I was originally introduced to them through branding and marketing, and I return to for the same reasons I return to the same brand of white T-Shirt:

Quality, Reliability, Consistency.

As with any product available to us, we are

  • drawn by brand or marketing,
  • converted by price and featured,
  • convinced by experience.

If you don’t market your pet product brand, who will purchase it? Likely opportunistic shoppers.

Do you really want your brand or your product known as an add-on?