Digital Advertising Didn’t Work

Rove said Digital Advertising didn't work

That’s the mantra we heard beginning the day after the election about the outcome of the election. So much of the “blame” for why one party won and the other didn’t came down to saying that online advertising simply didn’t have the impact that they anticipated.

I call BS on that. Here’s why:

  • The party backers claiming this had less money allocated in the online bucket than in other channels.
  • The claims, stories and content were everywhere and people believed, restated, and still believe them.

So I call BS.

Marketers need to know how to track their messaging, and that clearly wasn’t done, if they choose to say it didn’t work.

I think what did work was the reminder that authenticity matters. Content matters. Delivering the message that resonates with the public matters.

Everyone needs to go back to the drawing board and perhaps instead of finding excuses as to why things didn’t work, find out why those things that did work, worked. That’s where the answer is.

Do you think digital advertising worked in the elections?